Crypto debit card EEA

index.html - {keywords1}- The Bitmama virtual card lets you spend crypto like cash. Make secure payments globally with your virtual crypto card. Get your cards on Bitmama today.

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Crypto card

The card that will make your crypto spendable is coming to the EU

Wherever Visa is accepted, the Cryptopay card (coming soon) will be accepted as well. Pay in the real world and withdraw cash from ATMs. Crypto is spendable, after all

Order card

Choose your сard

Physical card
Card limits

For daily use and ATM withdrawals

Pay online and offline, and withdraw cash wherever you are. Spend your crypto assets across the globe – the Cryptopay Visa card makes it possible
Order card
FREE virtual card
Card limits

For online use and big purchases

So many things to buy online! Create your card instantly and shop for goods and services without delay. The Cryptopay Visa card makes shopping safe and pleasant
Create instantly

Why do you need a Cryptopay card?

Why, it makes your crypto assets spendable. It s as simple as that

Pay anywhere

Online and offline. At your local grocery or halfway across the world. Anywhere VISA is accepted, the Cryptopay card is accepted as well
Pay globally

Manage your assets

Check transaction history. Load in seconds. Lock and unlock as you please. And with the handy app, you re always in control of your funds
Manage assets

Never run out of cash

Load your card with any asset, insert into an ATM, cash out
Withdraw cash

Spend any asset

Not just BTC or ETH, but your DOTs and DOGEs as well. Load your Cryptopay card with any of your favourites from the 40 assets we offer (we’ll convert to € automatically)
Spend your assets

For big purchases

This little beauty allows you to go big. Spend up to €30k on a single purchase, treat yourself!
Go big

And small essentials

Your crypto assets will pay for your morning coffee. Open the app, load your card in seconds and pay. So quick, you can do this while queueing
Pay for essentials

Card limits

We like to refer to them as card possibilities

Dailly load Max balance Single spend Dailly ATM Issue Physical €8,8k €50k €30k €450 €5 Order card Free or 1-4 days express delivery Virtual €8,8k €50k €30k - Free Create instantly



Dailly load


Max balance


Single spend


Dailly ATM


Order card

Free or 1-4 days express delivery



Dailly load


Max balance


Single spend


Dailly ATM


Create instantly

How to order and use your Cryptopay card?

Start spending your crypto today



Create and verify account

Skip if you already have one



Order card

If you go virtual, the card will be available instantly. For physical, delivery usually takes a few days, but you’ll be able to pay online right away. ~1 minute



Top up the card

From your Cyptopay wallet and start spending your cryptocurrencies in the real world!

Create account


When you re safe and looked after, crypto can be so much fun! We take care of the former so you can fully concentrate on the latter. Enjoy being a part of the future!

Open free account


Buy crypto easily with a credit or debit card or a bank transfer

Explore and buy


Sell crypto instantly and withdraw EUR to your bank account

Sell crypto


Send crypto to your friends and family around the world. If you re both using Cryptopay, it s free

Explore wallet

Not sure where to start?

Our support team will answer all your questions so you feel safe on your journey

Chat with our support team



Here you will find everything about the product
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© 2024, Cryptopay Ltd. All rights reserved.

CPS Solutions OÜ is a company registered in Estonia (registry code: 16063623) whose registered address is Harju maakond, Tallinn, Haabersti linnaosa, Meistri tn 16, 13517. CPS Solutions OÜ has been granted licence FVT000413 for providing a virtual currency services.

UAB CPS Payments is a company registered in Lithuania (registry code: 305736863) whose registered address is Žalgirio g. 88-101, LT-09303 Vilnius, Lithuania. UAB CPS Payments is registered under number 305736863 by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers of the Republic of Lithuania as a Virtual Currency Exchange Operator.

CPS Transfers Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (company number: 10311113) whose registered address is 8 Devonshire Square, Spitalfields, London, EC2M 4PL. CPS Transfers Limited is registered by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), under the Payment Service Directive (FRN: 776056) as a Small Payment Institution (SPI).

In the EU, your Cryptopay Visa debit card is issued by DiPocket UAB, a Financial Institution authorized and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. DiPocket UAB holds an E-Money Institution License (No. 75) issued on November 10, 2020. Customer funds are kept in segregated accounts with banks in the EEA and the Bank of Lithuania, separate from DiPocket’s own funds. Please note, these funds are not covered by the Lithuanian deposit insurance scheme. DiPocket UAB is a Principal Member of Visa Inc.

The information on this site is not directed at residents of the United States or any particular country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Please examine the terms and conditions of our service and consult an expert if necessary.

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