BitSwapix VCC - Secure Virtual Credit Cards for Crypto

index.html - {keywords1}- The Bitmama virtual card lets you spend crypto like cash. Make secure payments globally with your virtual crypto card. Get your cards on Bitmama today.

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Most Reliable Card for Worldwide Payment

Get Open Pay Card to make payments on online platforms worldwide. You won’t regret using this reliable and secured virtual credit card. Pay at millions of online merchants with our secure virtual cards.

Get a card

Shop everywhere VISA & MasterCard are accepted

Benefits you get with BitSwapix Virtual Card


Virtual Card in minutes

Create and top up your account on BitSwapix CryptoHub. Fill out the application to issue a virtual card. That’s it!


Instant Crypto-Fiat Conversion

Real-time conversion of crypto to fiat allows you to use your crypto assets to make payments at millions of VISA & MasterCard accepting stores worldwide without delays.


Google Pay & Apple Pay

Add your BitSwapix Card to Google Pay or Apple Pay to make your payments.


Diverse Cryptocurrency Selection

With a BitSwapix card, access an extensive array of cryptocurrencies, empowering you to seamlessly use your preferred digital assets in your day-to-day purchases.

Who can apply for the BitSwapix Virtual card?

Everyone! No kidding! Just apply for our Virtual card on this page or from your account

How can I apply for it?

Click the button in your profile and fill in the required data, after which after a while you will have access to the card.

How much time will I wait for the BitSwapix Card?

Less than 24 hours after application

How can I check my application status?

You can check it in profile?

What are the fees associated with using the BitSwapix Card?

Fees are calculated based on the currency of payment and other indicators, the commission from using the card from our Hub is 1%

Which currencies does BitSwapix Card support?

EUR and USD. But you can pay for any international goods in different currencies with instant conversion of rates. English

Earn up to 8,375 USDT in a process of using BitSwapix CryptoHub

Discover how specific cryptocurrencies work — and get a bit of each crypto to try out for yourself.

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